Jam Sanatkaran services

Jam Sanatkaran Company, as one of the largest companies providing industrial services to oil, gas and petrochemical units in the country, provides its industrial contracting services in two main and secondary service sectors. The types of Jam company services include the following:

Implementation of industrial projects in the form of EPC, design and engineering of industrial units, repair and maintenance of machinery and industrial units, installation and commissioning of industrial projects, coding and arrangement of industrial warehouses, supply and procurement of goods and industrial trade services, human resources supply services specializing in various industries, Contract management of industrial projects, supply of light and heavy industrial machinery, management services, planning and control of industrial projects, transportation contracting services, logistics and support of industrial units, inspection services of industrial goods and equipment of industrial units, general and specialized training services of human resources, workshop services Required in industrial projects and providing technical services in the form of strategic partnership with other industrial contractors.

To learn more about the services of Jam Sanatkaran contracting company, read the description of each service further on this page

Jam Sanatkaran services