
Jam Sanatkaran in overall

Jam Sanatkaran company (JSCO) was stablished on april 21, 2007 as the maintenance and repair arm of Jam petrochemical company (JPC) industrial sectors and now after years of activity in the field of providing contracting services to all industrial units inside and outside Jam petrochemicals which are known as one of the best industrial contractors in oil , gas and petrochemical industry through asalouye region

Jam Sanatkaran by employing more than 2000 experts in the field of managing production operations, installation, maintenance, implementation and control of industrial projects, procurement and execution, supply of industrial machinery and equipment. Supply of expert human resources in industrial units, design and engineering of industrial plans and providing many other contracting services to the industrial complexes of the country, it has been able to register its name among the leading companies in carrying out industrial projects.

The experienced engineers and personnel of Jam Sanatkaran Company have been selected from among the most experienced and well-known specialists of industrial units in the country, and they are working in this field with an average of more than 20 years of experience.

Jam Sanatkaran company, relying on the knowledge and skills of its expert human resources on the one hand and having technical facilities, industrial equipment and light and heavy industrial machinery on the other hand, has completed many industrial projects in various industries across the country in the shortest possible time with It has been implemented successfully.

Done industrial <br>projects

Done industrial

advanced divider
Expert and specialized satff

Expert and specialized satff

advanced divider
Ongoing industrial projects

Ongoing industrial projects

advanced divider
Fleet of industrial machinery

Fleet of industrial machinery

advanced divider

Jam Sanatkaran, as a small member of the country's value-creating industries, strives with an understanding of the commitment and expertise expected in contracting services And by trusting the knowledge, skills and capabilities of our human resources,, We help great value creators in industrial units across the country

Our guiding principles In line with growth and development

Jam Sanatkaran shareholders

Jam Sanatakaran board of directors

Jam Sanatakaran board of directors

Jam Sanatkaran company's business scope

Business scope

Business scope

  • design and engineering
  • Repair and maintenance
  • Build, install, pre-commission and launch
  • Operation and service support
  • Trading, supply and logistics
Scope of contracting services

Scope of contracting services

  • Providing maintenance services to various factories and industries
  • Implementation of construction operations and installation of projects by EPC method
  • Headquarters and logistics support for construction operations, installation, pre-commissioning and launching of industrial plans and projects.
  • Implementation of construction operations and installation of industrial factories
  • Manufacturing of mechanical parts needed in factory maintenance operations
  • Logistics and staff support (administrative, human resources, financial, legal, etc.)
Business scope

Business scope

  • Oil, gas and petrochemical industrial plans and projects
  • Infrastructure and development projects
  • Civil projects
  • Contracting projects
  • Oil refineries and plants
Click to learn more about the company and view the resume of Jam Sanatkaran

The integrated management system of Jam Sanatakaran Company

Jam Sanatkaran Company as one of the providers of engineering project management services, purchase, construction equipment, installation, pre-commissioning and commissioning, as well as commercial services, logistics and repairs related to the company’s subject in order to sustain and succeed the company in competitive domestic and foreign markets. , with a customer-oriented approach as well as attracting the opinions of other stakeholders of the company and complying with legal requirements and national regulations, intends to develop its integrated management system (IMS) based on the international standards of quality management systems ISO9001:2008, environmental management ISO14001:2004, management Occupational health and safety OHSAS 18001:2007 established in Jam Industrial Contracting Company and implemented simultaneously with the policy mentioned in the sidelong section :

Managers of Jam Sanatkaran

Engineers and managers of Jam Sanatkaran company are selected from among the most experienced and well-known specialists of industrial units in the country and they work in this field with an average of more than 20 years of experience.

Mehdi Sefatian Head of Contract Affairs
Mohammad Reza Mortezaei Director of legal affairs, contracts
Fereydon Gudarzi Ghostasb Human Resources Manager
Masoud Azargun Head of Public Relations
Alireza Taghipour financial manager
Mohammad Sadegh Mousavi Head of Legal Affairs
Saman Lashgari Samani Head of Service
Reza Defaei Head of project planning and control
Reza Ebrahimzadeh Support Assistant
Rasul Faghih head of procurement
Amir Mohammad Davari Head of Information Technology
Mehdi Soltani Chairman of the Trading Commission
Amin Masoudi Head of Engineering

Certificates and achievements of Jam Sanatkaran company

Jam Sanatakaran company uses international standards in order to advance organizational strategic goals and develop its own brand.